Believe me, It hasn't been due to anything bad, things have just been crazy with the holidays. Don't worry about it, I'm gonna make up for it and start posting all of the cool stuff that Kim and I have been up to.
This weekend was an interesting one to say the least.
Friday, I got to see Kim and Lisa kinda drunk. For those of you out there who wanted the answer to the eternal question of...
Does Denny's sell Tuna Melts, the answer is...
No :(
Saturday, Kim and I helped Bob and Lisa with their new house. I helped Bob and his father in law Stan, with relocating the attic door which was cool.
I got to play with electricity. (mwhahahahaha) :D
Well, I got to play with a little bit of electricity, Bob taught me about wiring which was again, cool. Always love learning new stuff. And once again, it's always nice NOT to get laughed at for not knowing how to do something.
Well, after Kim and I got into a pretty huge arguement on Sunday. We went to visit her brother's house for a birthday party. Afterwards, we decided to make the trip from Eden to the reservation so that I could pick up a couple of cigars. After we stopped at Big Indian, we went to the gas station that Kim's Dad goes to for cigarettes and gas, since he knew that they sold cigars and thought that I'd be interested. Even though they didn't have ANYTHING really for cigars, we inadvertantly found our Valentine's plans.
We're going to see a Tom Jones impersonator at the Quality Inn in Niagara Falls. The tickets are $22.50 a piece and then 25 dollars more for a room at the hotel which is an incredible deal. I thought that this place wasn't going to be anything more than a roach motel.
Kim picked me up at work, and after waiting around for almost an hour while I was trying to work with Dell on a replacement part. She told me that she had a surprise for me.
When we got out to her car, she surprised me with these balloons which was really nice of her to think of. It's funny, because I was the jackass, and she brought me a nice surpirse. She wanted to surprise me with them like I do for her. Hell, she text messaged both Lisa and Bob, because she was going to have them delivered to work for me.

Kim and I went out to dinner tonight at Chili's and then decided to check out this hotel to see if it would be worth doing. It sucks that Kim knows what we're doing, because I wanted to completely surprise her, but it's still going to be cool. Plus, she doesn't know EVERYTHING that I'm planning on doing ;)
Holy Crap, it's gonna be a great time. It's right across from the Niagara Falls and it seems like a nice place. We're both really excited about it.
After that, we walked around the Falls for a little while and it was great just to be together.

Ok...I know I was COMPLETELY wasted...but why does that whole Tuna melt thing sound familiar? I remember having a taste for one and getting stuck with little sandwiches. Was that me?? Did I have JUST CAUSE for throwing a mini-burger across the room?
Oh yeah, I can't believe that I forgot about the new mini-sammich olympic event.
Yes Lisa, that was you throwing the sammiches. Both you and Kim decided too late that we should have gone over to the Olympic restaurant instead. (There's always next time.)
I talked to Dan on Saturday and he told me that he wanted me to move the balloons so that he could see my WWE poster of Lita.
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