...let the drinking begin. :)
Everything was nice, they couldn't have asked for better weather.
(Warning, this post is picture friendly.)
Finally, Kim and I have a nice clear picture of the two of us :)
We're both really happy that this one turned out as nice as it did. (Kim, don't get mad for me posting this.)

The service was nice, still not used to a giant jumbo-tron screen coming down in the middle of the service, but hey...
Look, the happy couple.

I am posting this one for Kim, since she seems to like this picture so much. Hey, when I have Jack and Coke (later, Jack and Rum) then I guess that I don't seem to mind having my picture taken (even when I look like a jackass).
I can't believe that I don't have a picture of me riding on the fire truck. I got to press the buttons and EVERYTHNG. (I felt like a little kid pressing the emergency evacuation button.)

I am just posting this picture since I think it's funny as hell.
Smack dat ass...

Thanks 4 capturing my "lesbian moment" on my wedding day! Appreciate it! :) Hope you had fun! It was an AWESOME day!!
Anonymous is an asshole!!!!!!!
Well, the comment from anonymous has been removed...
NOBODY talks about the people that I care about that way.
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