Yes, from what started out as a really great day, quickly turned to a steaming bowl of shit and apparently, I got second helpings...
I got into a car accident today, not bad, I am okay and so is the girl that I hit. So, nobody freak out on me here. I was leaving Episode 3 with my Dad and Aunt and decided to go to the McKinley Mall. I was making a left turn in the turning lane and I was three cars behind, the first guy decided to go and then the girl in front of me decided she was going to go as well.
Until she decided she didn't feel like it anymore. She committed to the turn and STOPPED.
And I got a goddamned ticket for "following too close". (Stupid police quotas.) I still went to the Media Play after everything was done, but I didn't feel like buying Multiplicity anymore, so I went home really pissed off.
Except one thing, pissed off turned into a deep depression. In fact, I scared myself a bit at just how depressed I was. The only way in which I can describe it is the movie Bedazzled with Brendan Fraiser. You know when he wishes to be a nice "sensitive guy" and then everything in the world sets him off crying, yep, that was yours truly. Here I was happy about everything going on, Kim and I have been really happy together, Bob and Lisa got married... Things just seemed to be good. Then, I hit that car. Yes, I know that I was really overreacting, but I think that it's just been bottled up frustration and emotion and that was the straw that did it. It wasn't so much hitting the car, it's just what hitting the car meant to me right now. My bills are finally clearing up a bit, I am getting ready to move and then this happend.
I think that there's probably two amazing things that came out of that night. (I bet you never thought that I'd say that Kim.) The first was just the fact that it happened, I am just used to keeping everything bottled up, and it surprised me how bad I felt.
The second thing is that Kim was on the phone with me a good chunk of that time and just listened and wanted to help me. She felt bad because I felt like crap. I never wanted to bring her down (and hopefully, I didn't).
I also feel like a jackass because Bob called me during the middle of all that and really tried not to sound too bad, but did an extremely shitty job of it. I didn't want them worrying about me while they were on their honeymoon.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
The circle is now complete...
Yes, I can finally say it, a weird, yet proud moment in my life happened today.
I've now watched every single Star Wars movie with my Aunt Linda. My Aunt lives in Indiana and she and I have always been HUGE Star Wars fans. We've both told each other that we were going to have to see all of the movies together and we after all these years, we finally did. I know to most people this is lame as hell, but not to me... There are very few things in life that I take as a "tradition", (except apparently laying down while drinking), but this is one of them.
I've now watched every single Star Wars movie with my Aunt Linda. My Aunt lives in Indiana and she and I have always been HUGE Star Wars fans. We've both told each other that we were going to have to see all of the movies together and we after all these years, we finally did. I know to most people this is lame as hell, but not to me... There are very few things in life that I take as a "tradition", (except apparently laying down while drinking), but this is one of them.
Holy Crap
Let me repeat, HOLY CRAP. If you want to use any type of inner voice on that one think of Frank Barone from "Everybody Loves Raymond".
The last time that I visited my own blog my counter was at 27, I believe. There's been 40 more hits in less than a month. Okay, now I'm going back and post dating some entries so that I have the proper timeline of what happened.
The last time that I visited my own blog my counter was at 27, I believe. There's been 40 more hits in less than a month. Okay, now I'm going back and post dating some entries so that I have the proper timeline of what happened.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Bob and Lisa's Wedding
Well, Bob and Lisa's wedding day has finally arrived...
...let the drinking begin. :)
Everything was nice, they couldn't have asked for better weather.
(Warning, this post is picture friendly.)
Finally, Kim and I have a nice clear picture of the two of us :)
We're both really happy that this one turned out as nice as it did. (Kim, don't get mad for me posting this.)

The service was nice, still not used to a giant jumbo-tron screen coming down in the middle of the service, but hey...
Look, the happy couple.

I am posting this one for Kim, since she seems to like this picture so much. Hey, when I have Jack and Coke (later, Jack and Rum) then I guess that I don't seem to mind having my picture taken (even when I look like a jackass).
I can't believe that I don't have a picture of me riding on the fire truck. I got to press the buttons and EVERYTHNG. (I felt like a little kid pressing the emergency evacuation button.)

I am just posting this picture since I think it's funny as hell.
Smack dat ass...
...let the drinking begin. :)
Everything was nice, they couldn't have asked for better weather.
(Warning, this post is picture friendly.)
Finally, Kim and I have a nice clear picture of the two of us :)
We're both really happy that this one turned out as nice as it did. (Kim, don't get mad for me posting this.)

The service was nice, still not used to a giant jumbo-tron screen coming down in the middle of the service, but hey...
Look, the happy couple.

I am posting this one for Kim, since she seems to like this picture so much. Hey, when I have Jack and Coke (later, Jack and Rum) then I guess that I don't seem to mind having my picture taken (even when I look like a jackass).
I can't believe that I don't have a picture of me riding on the fire truck. I got to press the buttons and EVERYTHNG. (I felt like a little kid pressing the emergency evacuation button.)

I am just posting this picture since I think it's funny as hell.
Smack dat ass...

Friday, July 29, 2005
Bob and Lisa's Wedding Rehersal Dinner
I took a half day off today and managed to leave on time that was mostly due to my co-workers reminding me every two minutes that it was almost time to leave. ;)
I got all of my running around done, went to the reservation for some cigars for the reception since Virgil was out, got my tux jacket from the mall. It was all good.
Kim and I had a great time at the Dock at the Bay. I had an huge fish fry, I love that place...
It was a great night, not too warm, not too cold. All of the guys in Bob's wedding party got flasks with our initials. I didn't realize that anyone made a half flask / half two cigar holder compartment. I think that the best part is what a cigar snob I've created (insert evil laughter here). Bob didn't just buy any old cigars, hell no, he bought Ashtons (great choice). And not to be outdone there, the flasks had Jack Daniels Green Label in them. (Damn did that kick ass.)
The best part is that Bob and Lisa's family was more concerned with me drinking the contents of my flask that night and then filling it back up for the wedding and reception the next day. I did have to sample the merchandise though :)
I got all of my running around done, went to the reservation for some cigars for the reception since Virgil was out, got my tux jacket from the mall. It was all good.
Kim and I had a great time at the Dock at the Bay. I had an huge fish fry, I love that place...
It was a great night, not too warm, not too cold. All of the guys in Bob's wedding party got flasks with our initials. I didn't realize that anyone made a half flask / half two cigar holder compartment. I think that the best part is what a cigar snob I've created (insert evil laughter here). Bob didn't just buy any old cigars, hell no, he bought Ashtons (great choice). And not to be outdone there, the flasks had Jack Daniels Green Label in them. (Damn did that kick ass.)
The best part is that Bob and Lisa's family was more concerned with me drinking the contents of my flask that night and then filling it back up for the wedding and reception the next day. I did have to sample the merchandise though :)
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Canal Fest 2005 and Sunset Bay Beach
After a bit of decision, Kim and I decided to go to Canal Fest '05 in Tonawanda tonight. It was a toss up between Dave Matthews and Canal Fest. We had a great time, we eventually ran into Bob and Lisa over there and had a weird double date. (Weird because next week is their wedding.)
It was funny as hell when Lisa wanted to get her face painted and the entire time she looked freaked out. Bob, send me that picture. :)
More importantly, my Princess Kim, got her very own special light up wand. It came in handy as we were trying to get into her car parked over at Matt's house. (Thanks again, Matt.)
We ALMOST got to watch Ice Princess Diaries 2 over at Bryan and Michele's, but they came home early from Sherkston so we went to the beach instead. The beach was cool as usual, huh, it's kinda funny, I said "as usual" meaning that I've been there so often I can actually call that usual. How l'd up is that...? What was even funnier was that I finally have a witness about "the Tracker noise". Yes, Kim no longer thinks that I am crazy because she heard another tracker other than my own, make the same goddamned noise that mine does. I kept saying that it's a tracker noise and not just my shitty one, it's nice to feel sane once in awhile. :)
As I said, the beach was great, although it was screwed up in that the normal gates we go through were CLOSED. We were both almost pissed about it until we found a different gate and got in. After the beach, we stopped to get gas and so that I can look for cigars. The gas station on the rez that we went to claimed to have cigars when in fact they had two. Not two brands, not two different sizes, but two individual cigars.
It was funny as hell when Lisa wanted to get her face painted and the entire time she looked freaked out. Bob, send me that picture. :)
More importantly, my Princess Kim, got her very own special light up wand. It came in handy as we were trying to get into her car parked over at Matt's house. (Thanks again, Matt.)
We ALMOST got to watch Ice Princess Diaries 2 over at Bryan and Michele's, but they came home early from Sherkston so we went to the beach instead. The beach was cool as usual, huh, it's kinda funny, I said "as usual" meaning that I've been there so often I can actually call that usual. How l'd up is that...? What was even funnier was that I finally have a witness about "the Tracker noise". Yes, Kim no longer thinks that I am crazy because she heard another tracker other than my own, make the same goddamned noise that mine does. I kept saying that it's a tracker noise and not just my shitty one, it's nice to feel sane once in awhile. :)
As I said, the beach was great, although it was screwed up in that the normal gates we go through were CLOSED. We were both almost pissed about it until we found a different gate and got in. After the beach, we stopped to get gas and so that I can look for cigars. The gas station on the rez that we went to claimed to have cigars when in fact they had two. Not two brands, not two different sizes, but two individual cigars.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Charlie and the Chunky Factory
Tonight Kim and I went out to eat with Michele and Bryan, and Bob and Lisa at Tully's Restaurant on Transit and while the food was great...
I felt like complete crap.
I had my usual "problem" and didn't feel good. I took a ibuprophren (sp) from Bryan and Michele (see, I spelled it right THAT time). And still didn't feel any better.
So, my lovely girlfriend, Kim offered me a Vitamin L which I stupidly mixed together.
This combo turned me into a puddle of goo inside.
We went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at the IMAX after dinner, and during the first 5 minutes, I almost threw up. Eventually, one of the two wore off and I started to feel better during the movie, but it was an interesting way to watch the movie. :)
I felt like complete crap.
I had my usual "problem" and didn't feel good. I took a ibuprophren (sp) from Bryan and Michele (see, I spelled it right THAT time). And still didn't feel any better.
So, my lovely girlfriend, Kim offered me a Vitamin L which I stupidly mixed together.
This combo turned me into a puddle of goo inside.
We went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at the IMAX after dinner, and during the first 5 minutes, I almost threw up. Eventually, one of the two wore off and I started to feel better during the movie, but it was an interesting way to watch the movie. :)
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Wedding Crashers
Kim and I went to go see Wedding Crashers at the Regal, and after the movie ended, we bumped into Bryan and Michele. Turns out they were sitting a couple of rows behind us.
The movie was so damn funny, it's become a part of the way that Kim and I talk. :)
Worth going to see, hell, I'll probably buy it as soon as it comes on DVD.
The movie was so damn funny, it's become a part of the way that Kim and I talk. :)
Worth going to see, hell, I'll probably buy it as soon as it comes on DVD.
Bob's Stag
Bob's stag was last night at the Bowmansville Fire Hall, and holy shit did I get drunk. There's just something about that place that brings out the inner drunk in me ;)
It was an evening of cigars, green label Jack Daniels and Diet Coke and Skittles. (Yep, Bob puked the rainbow, and more importantly, I didn't.) The funny thing was that I didn't think that I'd have enough cigars for everybody, wow, I was wrong.
Bob's friend Tommy did a hell of a job of getting everything setup, and I did everything that I possibly could to help out. In fact, I was one of the people to walk out the door that night.
I learned two new styles of Kung-Fu as well, Drunken-Style Lying Down, and Drunken-Style Text / Voice Messaging. While those two new styles may not sound all Sonny Chiba, Jackie Chan exciting, they were nonetheless invaluable. Bryan told me that Kim's car got into an accident as well and I was scared that something happened to her and she got hurt (it was in the driveway and nobody was hurt.) So my new mad texting / calling skillz came in handy making sure that she was okay.
As for the other lying down skill, well, apparently when I have that much to drink I get pretty tired. (Plus, all the running around on my end to make sure that Bob's stag wouldn't be anything he forgot.) There were quite a few times that I just decided to lay down where I was standing. One of those happened to be down stream of Bob's puke water rushing towards me. (I moved in time.) Another one was me getting almost run over by a large truck, you get the idea...
Lisa's Dad, Stan, was funny as hell, he wanted me to stick my finger down my throat so that I'd puke and get it over with. He didn't just tell me once, more like 15 times.
Apparently, the funniest part didn't even occur until after Bob's stag ended. Bryan was nice enough to take me back home after a slight detour at Michaeline's (sp) house to pick up the ladies. After Bryan found her place, we got there before Lisa's limo arrived. I took the opportunity to hone my lying down skillz on her sidewalk. We got in and everyone had cold pizza and stuff. Except me, of course, and because practice makes perfect, I put those same skillz to the test on her living room carpet.

Just another one of my "proud moments"...
I was so out of it that when Lisa kicked me in the ass (aaparently REALLY hard) and when she offered Kim's "services" I didn't even flinch. :)
On the ride home, Kim asked me a question to which I was barely able to mutter out "wha-te-ver" to.
It was an evening of cigars, green label Jack Daniels and Diet Coke and Skittles. (Yep, Bob puked the rainbow, and more importantly, I didn't.) The funny thing was that I didn't think that I'd have enough cigars for everybody, wow, I was wrong.
Bob's friend Tommy did a hell of a job of getting everything setup, and I did everything that I possibly could to help out. In fact, I was one of the people to walk out the door that night.
I learned two new styles of Kung-Fu as well, Drunken-Style Lying Down, and Drunken-Style Text / Voice Messaging. While those two new styles may not sound all Sonny Chiba, Jackie Chan exciting, they were nonetheless invaluable. Bryan told me that Kim's car got into an accident as well and I was scared that something happened to her and she got hurt (it was in the driveway and nobody was hurt.) So my new mad texting / calling skillz came in handy making sure that she was okay.
As for the other lying down skill, well, apparently when I have that much to drink I get pretty tired. (Plus, all the running around on my end to make sure that Bob's stag wouldn't be anything he forgot.) There were quite a few times that I just decided to lay down where I was standing. One of those happened to be down stream of Bob's puke water rushing towards me. (I moved in time.) Another one was me getting almost run over by a large truck, you get the idea...
Lisa's Dad, Stan, was funny as hell, he wanted me to stick my finger down my throat so that I'd puke and get it over with. He didn't just tell me once, more like 15 times.
Apparently, the funniest part didn't even occur until after Bob's stag ended. Bryan was nice enough to take me back home after a slight detour at Michaeline's (sp) house to pick up the ladies. After Bryan found her place, we got there before Lisa's limo arrived. I took the opportunity to hone my lying down skillz on her sidewalk. We got in and everyone had cold pizza and stuff. Except me, of course, and because practice makes perfect, I put those same skillz to the test on her living room carpet.

Just another one of my "proud moments"...
I was so out of it that when Lisa kicked me in the ass (aaparently REALLY hard) and when she offered Kim's "services" I didn't even flinch. :)
On the ride home, Kim asked me a question to which I was barely able to mutter out "wha-te-ver" to.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Vacation (day 4)
Well, it's the end of my vacation...
Or is it...
(yes, yes it is)
So, what did I learn over my summer vacation...?
I used to hate the question in school and I still am not that keen on it now. :)
1.) I am on my way to learning how to relax (baby steps)
2.) I didn't shit my pants before, during or after all of the fireworks.
3.) I have great friends who are there for me and really helped me get through everything.
I guess I never realized how many people ACTUALLY paid attention to how badly I freak out at fireworks and wanted to make sure that everything was cool. It was always one of those things that I felt bad about, and while there wasn't anything to feel bad about, I still did. I felt like somehow I was letting everyone down by bailing out whenever the 4th came around.
Hell, even Chris' brother Pat wanted to make sure that I was okay...
4.) Kim was especially great, cause we had fun. No matter what we did, we just had fun doing it.
Am I going to take time off again this year...? Yeah, most likely, I know that I have to take December 26th off for Kim's birthday. I wouldn't want to forget that. Just kidding, I know that it's December 30th.
That's all, gotta get ready for work... ;D
Or is it...
(yes, yes it is)
So, what did I learn over my summer vacation...?
I used to hate the question in school and I still am not that keen on it now. :)
1.) I am on my way to learning how to relax (baby steps)
2.) I didn't shit my pants before, during or after all of the fireworks.
3.) I have great friends who are there for me and really helped me get through everything.
I guess I never realized how many people ACTUALLY paid attention to how badly I freak out at fireworks and wanted to make sure that everything was cool. It was always one of those things that I felt bad about, and while there wasn't anything to feel bad about, I still did. I felt like somehow I was letting everyone down by bailing out whenever the 4th came around.
Hell, even Chris' brother Pat wanted to make sure that I was okay...
4.) Kim was especially great, cause we had fun. No matter what we did, we just had fun doing it.
Am I going to take time off again this year...? Yeah, most likely, I know that I have to take December 26th off for Kim's birthday. I wouldn't want to forget that. Just kidding, I know that it's December 30th.
That's all, gotta get ready for work... ;D
Monday, July 04, 2005
Vacation (day 3)
So, I am at day 3 of my vacation. Just like I said yesterday about what it's all about friends and food, today did not disappoint (at all). Kim and I went to Michelle and Bryan's cottage at Sherkston Shores in Canada and had alot of fun. It was the first time that I've been to Sherkston as well as the beach during the daytime, so it was cool. Kim bought these sparklers which seemed to last 15 minutes.
I think probably the funniest thing that happened last night was the radio call-in show that we were listening to after watching the fireworks. (Yeah, I really did watch them without any problems.)
There was a caller, Scott, who was talking about his girlfriend Kim, who he had been seeing for the past three months. Except in this case, Scott had been divorced with kids and he felt bad for her and of course, the only way to cheer her up was a cheezy song on the radio :D
The other funny part was Bryan and Michelle with their rendition of "Proud to be an American" by Toby Garth Jethro Tull Brooks Dunn. (I have no idea who it is, it all sounds like a Chevy Silverado commercial to me anyhow.)
We both had a good time and we took the scenic route home due to some miscalculations on my part. (It was late and I was tired and not thinking straight.)
Today we're going over to my buddy parent's house for their annual 4th of July party. It will be a day of Godzilla movies, food (tons) and fireworks. It's been a long time since I've seen Chris' parents and I hope that the visit is going to cheer up his Dad who hasn't been feeling well over the past year or so.
Got to make more of the best coffee in the world from Starbucks Kimono Dragon which is a great start to the day. All I know is this, after this long weekend, I am going back on the points so that I can lose all this weight I've gained.
Despite having some rain earlier this afternoon, we got to watch the fireworks display at Chris' parents house. I can't believe how many people actually paid attention to the fact that I was watching the fireworks. Everyone really told me that they really liked Kim and said I should keep her.
Actually, I did better at a couple of things today, I went swimming for the first time in about 10 years or so, watched fireworks and other stuff.
I think probably the funniest thing that happened last night was the radio call-in show that we were listening to after watching the fireworks. (Yeah, I really did watch them without any problems.)
There was a caller, Scott, who was talking about his girlfriend Kim, who he had been seeing for the past three months. Except in this case, Scott had been divorced with kids and he felt bad for her and of course, the only way to cheer her up was a cheezy song on the radio :D
The other funny part was Bryan and Michelle with their rendition of "Proud to be an American" by Toby Garth Jethro Tull Brooks Dunn. (I have no idea who it is, it all sounds like a Chevy Silverado commercial to me anyhow.)
We both had a good time and we took the scenic route home due to some miscalculations on my part. (It was late and I was tired and not thinking straight.)
Today we're going over to my buddy parent's house for their annual 4th of July party. It will be a day of Godzilla movies, food (tons) and fireworks. It's been a long time since I've seen Chris' parents and I hope that the visit is going to cheer up his Dad who hasn't been feeling well over the past year or so.
Got to make more of the best coffee in the world from Starbucks Kimono Dragon which is a great start to the day. All I know is this, after this long weekend, I am going back on the points so that I can lose all this weight I've gained.
Despite having some rain earlier this afternoon, we got to watch the fireworks display at Chris' parents house. I can't believe how many people actually paid attention to the fact that I was watching the fireworks. Everyone really told me that they really liked Kim and said I should keep her.
Actually, I did better at a couple of things today, I went swimming for the first time in about 10 years or so, watched fireworks and other stuff.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Vacation (day 2)
So, here we are at day 2 of my vacation and I haven't gotten the shakes too much from being away from work. I woke up to the UPS guy dropping off my bundles of JR Cuban Alternative Bolivar Belicoso cigars.
Kim and I went to see Bob and Lisa at the Skyline RV campgrounds. It's a nice campground, we got to see Kim's Aunt and Uncle who have a permanent site there. We couldn't have asked for a better day, it wasn't too hot or anything. Lisa's cousin Sam was there with Ron and their son R.J. and it's always cool to talk to them and see R.J. (Holy crap is that kid strong.)
Camping is all about one thing friends and food. And yeah, we had a ton of great food...
Kim made some noodle salad, we had cheesy 'tater salad, chicken, potatoes on the grill and ribs. Everything was great. Normally I don't like ribs that much, but goddamn if those ribs weren't incredible. When I asked Lisa about the ribs she told me that she did the ribs with Jack Daniels Barbaque Sauce. I thought that she just told me it was the JD BBQ sauce just to be funny.
Something else happened which shocked the shit out of me. I was within 50 feet of fireworks without freakin' out (much). Hell, I actually had a couple of sparklers and it's probably been about 25 years since I even held one in my hand. Bob, Lisa and Kim wanted to make sure that I was cool with the fireworks and probably asked me about 10 times if I was okay. Bob told me that he'd stop doing blowing off the fireworks if it bothered me too much. I think that helped too since most of the time any other time I'm around fireworks there's a shitload of 'em, they're loud, and usually no end in sight. (Which is why I never stick around too long.) Everything probably would have been fine, if Skyline's cracker jack security team hadn't stepped in and made him stop. Monday is going to be a good test since Kim and I are going over to my buddy's parents house for their annual 4th of July party. (Hopefully I won't just stay in their garage and eat.)
After Sam, Ron and RJ left, Kim and I went with Bob and Lisa up to the cabin to listen to music. I had my usual La Gloria Cubana Serie R Number 6 cigar.
When Kim and I left, we came back to my house and I got to show her family pictures including when I was a baby. It's funny because those pictures brought back alot of memories (duh). The thing is before seeing those pictures, I didn't have many childhood memories just the really strong ones of my Gramma Jean in Indiana and my other relatives in Indiana. With all of the drugs that I took as a kid for epilepsy my memory probably isn't as good as other people have. I was actually surprised to see how many pictures that there were of me in the photo albums because of the hockey helmet I had to wear in case I fell down and had a seizure. My parents never wanted me to look back and see how much I had my good old yellow Cooper hockey helmet on.
I know that Kim and I both had fun today. Tomorrow we're gonna go see Michelle and Bryan at their family cabin at Sherkston Shores which should be fun.
Kim and I went to see Bob and Lisa at the Skyline RV campgrounds. It's a nice campground, we got to see Kim's Aunt and Uncle who have a permanent site there. We couldn't have asked for a better day, it wasn't too hot or anything. Lisa's cousin Sam was there with Ron and their son R.J. and it's always cool to talk to them and see R.J. (Holy crap is that kid strong.)
Camping is all about one thing friends and food. And yeah, we had a ton of great food...
Kim made some noodle salad, we had cheesy 'tater salad, chicken, potatoes on the grill and ribs. Everything was great. Normally I don't like ribs that much, but goddamn if those ribs weren't incredible. When I asked Lisa about the ribs she told me that she did the ribs with Jack Daniels Barbaque Sauce. I thought that she just told me it was the JD BBQ sauce just to be funny.
Something else happened which shocked the shit out of me. I was within 50 feet of fireworks without freakin' out (much). Hell, I actually had a couple of sparklers and it's probably been about 25 years since I even held one in my hand. Bob, Lisa and Kim wanted to make sure that I was cool with the fireworks and probably asked me about 10 times if I was okay. Bob told me that he'd stop doing blowing off the fireworks if it bothered me too much. I think that helped too since most of the time any other time I'm around fireworks there's a shitload of 'em, they're loud, and usually no end in sight. (Which is why I never stick around too long.) Everything probably would have been fine, if Skyline's cracker jack security team hadn't stepped in and made him stop. Monday is going to be a good test since Kim and I are going over to my buddy's parents house for their annual 4th of July party. (Hopefully I won't just stay in their garage and eat.)
After Sam, Ron and RJ left, Kim and I went with Bob and Lisa up to the cabin to listen to music. I had my usual La Gloria Cubana Serie R Number 6 cigar.
When Kim and I left, we came back to my house and I got to show her family pictures including when I was a baby. It's funny because those pictures brought back alot of memories (duh). The thing is before seeing those pictures, I didn't have many childhood memories just the really strong ones of my Gramma Jean in Indiana and my other relatives in Indiana. With all of the drugs that I took as a kid for epilepsy my memory probably isn't as good as other people have. I was actually surprised to see how many pictures that there were of me in the photo albums because of the hockey helmet I had to wear in case I fell down and had a seizure. My parents never wanted me to look back and see how much I had my good old yellow Cooper hockey helmet on.
I know that Kim and I both had fun today. Tomorrow we're gonna go see Michelle and Bryan at their family cabin at Sherkston Shores which should be fun.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Vacation (day 1)
Yes, I actually took a vacation day today. (Well, half a day, baby steps...)
And after fighting with SprintPCS on my recent freakin' HUGE phone bill, Kim and I had a nice night. After trying to figure out what we wanted to do, we decided to watch the Pacifier and then go to Romeo and Juliet at Shakespeare in the Park.
I have to admit that the Pacifier wasn't as horrible as I thought that it would be because it's a Vin Diesel Disney Movie. The cool thing was that Kim's now gonna do the Peter Panda dance for me ;)
As for Romeo and Juliet, well what can I say... It's Shakespeare, I didn't like it in High School English Lit and seeing it in a park didn't do anything to help it out. I enjoyed it because Kim and I were together and had munchies. The next time that we do anything like this, I have to remember that we need to get some wine (and chairs).
After that, we stopped by Nino's and got some Pizza and then Blockbuster and picked up some movies. (Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers, Shrek 2 and The Stepford Wives). We watched the Stepford Wives which we both enjoyed. We're gonna wait and see a double feature of Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers later on.
So, day 1 of vacation, wasn't so bad... Everyone should have tried harder to get me take a vacation day sooner :)
And after fighting with SprintPCS on my recent freakin' HUGE phone bill, Kim and I had a nice night. After trying to figure out what we wanted to do, we decided to watch the Pacifier and then go to Romeo and Juliet at Shakespeare in the Park.
I have to admit that the Pacifier wasn't as horrible as I thought that it would be because it's a Vin Diesel Disney Movie. The cool thing was that Kim's now gonna do the Peter Panda dance for me ;)
As for Romeo and Juliet, well what can I say... It's Shakespeare, I didn't like it in High School English Lit and seeing it in a park didn't do anything to help it out. I enjoyed it because Kim and I were together and had munchies. The next time that we do anything like this, I have to remember that we need to get some wine (and chairs).
After that, we stopped by Nino's and got some Pizza and then Blockbuster and picked up some movies. (Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers, Shrek 2 and The Stepford Wives). We watched the Stepford Wives which we both enjoyed. We're gonna wait and see a double feature of Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers later on.
So, day 1 of vacation, wasn't so bad... Everyone should have tried harder to get me take a vacation day sooner :)
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