Friday night after I got out of work, Kim and I went to see Madagascar and Kicking and Screaming. Madagascar was a great movie, I didn't know what to expect, and we both enjoyed it. Kicking and Screaming was, well, yeah okay. Neither one of us really wanted to see it all that much, but the Harlem Road drive in had Madagascar and Hitch which we already went to see.
Saturday, Kim and I spent the day at Bob and Lisa's RV in the great Canadian Wilderness of Fort Erie. We both had a great time there , although the nighttime was cold. We got kicked out by the W.P.P (Windmill Pointe Park) Security at 10:30. That sucked, but at least Kim and I got to bring back our newest addition the family, Speedy, our new pet snail. I also got to bring back a bottle of JD and a Cuban Bolivar cigar.
Sunday, I cleaned up a big section of the basement and brought more stuff over to the storage facility. Kim and I went to the fireworks dispay at the Southgate Plaza and I told Kim about my fear of fireworks. (Nothing like waiting until we're there to mention I have a problem like that.)
After that Kim and I went to Sunset Bay Beach and had an Incredible time. I can't think of what could be much better in life. We just sat there for a couple of minutes and neither one of us could talk cause we were just taking it all in. I had my Diet Pepsi, the Bolivar Habana cigar that Bob gave me yesterday (thanks again, buddy). It was just so peaceful, we got to look at the stars, talk and just enjoy being with each other which was great.

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