Beer, hockey and donughts, eh.
Kim's Mom and Dad were nice enough to show us how to setup their pop-up trailer and we took it to Pleasant Beach campgrounds. After some problems getting the trailer setup (3 hours of problems), we finally had dinner. We got there last Sunday and originally planned on just staying until Wednesday, but thanks to Bryan and Michele, we were able to stay until Friday.
I bought a bottle of Jack Daniels from a batch from 1915. Kim brought a bottle of wine that she had from her cousin's wine tour birthday from a couple of weeks ago.
I actually got a little tan while camping. :)
Sunday was setup and lots of stress. We had a campfire at Bryan and Michele's cabin.
Monday we went to the beach and met up with Bob and Lisa at the beach and then had a campfire at Sherkston at Bob and Lisa's trailer.
Tuesday, on the most patriotic day of the year, we went to Clifton Hill because the weather was cold and Bob and I wanted to get some cuban cigars.
This picture was taken at the Rock and Roll Cafe in Niagara Falls. We decided to grab some lunch and Bob, Kim, Bryan and Michele all had Twisted Macaroni and Cheese (tasted awesome, Kim let me try hers). Lisa had a Roast Beef sammich that wasn't so good. And, I had a Caribbean Chicken Sandwich.
After a GREAT amount of stress trying to get money out of my account, we were finally able to continue on with the afternoon. (Sorry everyone, I feel like an ass for that one.)
Lisa had an adventurous day, she wanted ice cream and thought that she was talking to Bob and wound up "talking" to someone else instead. Also, parties were injured, nobody's blaming anyone but it sure sounded funny.
Also, we took a picture with the Hershey's Kiss mascot.

We took a ride on the Maid of the Mist because we it was only 5 dollars more than the ride on the Ferris Wheel on the top of Clifton Hill.

Just look at this view though, it's really coool. I can't believe that I was able to get that picture.

I Got It (ball number 1)
Saturday, we went to the Nickelback concert which was freakin' AWESOME. I know that Kim and I loved it. This was one of the better pictures that I was able to take.

So tonight, I'm finishing up my vacation and Kim and I are just relaxing watching TV. I finished off my Jack Daniels and had one last cigar.
I had a great time, I wanted to say thanks to Bob and Lisa and Bryan and Michele for allowing us to share their vacation with them.